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Thursday, June 20, 2013

ABBA - "More Abba Gold"

CD, US 1993

If ABBA's Gold the lightness, then More ABBA Gold is the poison leaked from that supposed happiness. On repeated listens, this can be the most depressing album ever. Or just a romantic mood about to fall over. Songs like The Day Before You Came list the hours before finding perhaps Mr. or Ms. Of one's life - but there is something so banal and depressing about it all.

The genius of Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus' music and words is that its music for the every person, but to acknowledge such romantic dreams and failure turns it into an operatic theater piece of sorts. Its beautiful and full of surface feelings, but if you dig underneath their image, you'll find a certain amount of despair. ABBA is so unique and one with its time. Essential pop that doesn't really speak for its era (the 70's) but in its own time-warp. ABBA reminds me of some outside artists who make up their own world and there is our world and then there's ABBA's world. 

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