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Friday, October 4, 2013

Billy MacKenzie / Steve Aungle - "Eurocentric" CD Album

Billy MacKenzie / Steve Aungle – Eurocentric
CD, Album, 2001
Rhythm of Life Records

Liberty Lounge” is pretty much the highlight to this album by the great MacKenzie with large assistance from Steve Aungle. For one the song is like a refreshing splash in the face, due that most of the album is very electro-dance or ballad driven, which is perfectly OK, but the music is not that challenging compared to other Billy projects. But “Liberty Lounge” wow. Like most (if not all) Billy Post-death albums, it is very much a grab-bag of music. The techno-music doesn't work when one compares it to classics like “Wild Is The Wind.” It's hard for me to be critical on an album like this due that Billy wasn't alive to finish it, and by no means is the work exploitive – one wants these releases. But the pacing of the album is not that strong. They're very much of a side-one and a side-two. But what makes Eurocentric a must is the cover of Sparks' great “Mother Earth.” For the Billy obsessive, which I belong in that category, the album is a must. But by no means is it an introduction to his greatness. For that you have to go back to the Alan Rankine era Associates. 

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